My first entry into photography was with film. More specifically black and white film. My father was a hobbyist and he would carry his camera with him at work and also go venture out and about on the weekends and snap some frames here and there. I would accompany him sometimes on these mini photo trips and he taught me the very basics of photography. Not only how to meter manually (which is the crux of many “photographers”) but also basic rules of composition and gear info.
My first camera was a Nikkormat FT. I think I received that on my 16th birthday. Over the next few years I acquired a Nikon F-801, Nikon FA and a Nikon FG. Up until recently the only film body I ever really shot on consistently was my Nikon FA which has stood the test of time. What a great body.
Recently I decided to try and get back into film after predominantly shooting digital for the past 6-8 years. I purchased a used Nikon F100 on ebay and just recently got my first roll of Kodak Portra 400 back from the fine folks at The Find Lab who processed and scanned my negs. I have shots from mine and Alicia’s trip up to a cabin in Packwood as well as some shots around Seattle and Tacoma. Take a look: