
Seattle Studio Engagement Session – Oneal + Ryan

oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-13-of-92(pp_w480_h320) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-37-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-53-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-61-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-63-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-68-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-77-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized
oneal-ryan-tacoma-studio-engagement-session-92-of-92-504x755(pp_w480_h719) Seattle Studio Engagement Session - Oneal + Ryan Uncategorized

Hosting studio days is always fun. It can be a long day if I have it booked for a full 8hrs and have it packed with shoots, but it has it’s rewards.

Oneal got a hold of me to do a session with her then-new fiance Ryan (they’ve sinced eloped!). I told them coordinate wardrobe and show up camera ready and boy howdy did they deliver! We had a great time shooting their set and their outfits and expression are more than I could have asked for.

Natural light brings out the best in everyone I shoot!

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    Taylor Jones Photo

    Serving Tacoma, Seattle and the Northwest